Our latest program: “LOVING HANDS”
Thanks as always for your interest and support for MoFrenz. Our latest program is called “Loving Hands”. While the island of Bali is bouncing back at mind blowing speed from the pandemic. There are still people in need of help. And a good amount of these people are children. Displaced, orphaned or abandoned due to a multitude of reasons. From not only Bali, but also neighboring islands. Fortunately there are orphanages here in Bali to try and help these children. They range from infants to 20 years of age. So the variety of needs and help has a wide range. Recently we have been able to visit and help a couple of the many orphanages here in Bali. Clothes, food, diapers, toys, hygiene products, etc; And as always these donations and contributions come from the kindness of volunteers and people like yourself. So we are shifting our energies to helping these children and youth to give them a better opportunity and also let them know that they aren’t alone. That they do have people who have not forgotten about them and care about them. Thus the name “loving hands”. Because the simple act of a hug and showing someone you care, goes a long way. So we will be updating this website to take contributions to help us, help these orphanages. It will be in the same format as our “Buy a Bag for Bali” program but your contribution will be food and supplies for these children and orphanages. So that you can simply click on the link to give your donation. Thanks and please bookmark this website and follow us on Instagram (@mofrenz).
FIRST OFF, we would just like to thank each and everyone of you who took the time to help donate and make our mission possible. These past two years were some very difficult times for the people here in Bali. So your donation made a huge difference in so many families lives. Thanks again. Now that Bali is back “open” it is so nice and relieving to see many small businesses and communities make a rebound and recover from the pandemic. Two years of no tourism in an island thats 80+% economy depends on tourism was a heavy blow. So a full recovery will take time for those effected.
The ”Buy a Bag for Bali” program was/is our way to help another struggling community, during very challenging times. Due to the Corona virus pandemic, many mandates caused a heavy financial burden on many communities. Especially here in Bali where over 80% of their economy depends on tourism. Also the “trickle down” affect plays a large part. So if someone in the family has lost their way of income, it is severely felt not only through out the family, but the entire community. MoFrenz has helped organize food drives with other community members and business owners like Angelmartz, Bali Caring Community, Kay-Mart & Eco-Revolution to help those most affected and in need of help. By asking you to show your support and simply go to the “shop” section of our site and hit the “Buy a Bag for Bali” link to help us get food to these people who really need and appreciate your support.
Thanks to Eco-Revolution, we’ve recently been able to use 100% biodegradable bags. As of October 1, 2022 we have recently achieved over 30 food drives and around 800 bags of food donated through out the communities in Bali through generous donations. Thanks for showing your support.
Unfortunately since the invention of plastic, it went from common convenience to natural nuisance. Fortunately Eco-Revolution is making a difference with their 100% Biodegradable bags and straws made with cassava. These products are strong and such a great change from all the plastic waste that always finds its way back into our beaches and oceans, especially in Indonesia which is the world’s largest consumer of plastic waste. Beach clean up’s are a win-win by using 100% biodegradable bags to pick up the non-biodegradable plastic and trash that’s on our beautiful beaches.
Please follow and contact Eco-Revolution to do your part in saving the planet from the problems of single-use plastic.

The Baja Boogie Fiesta was the longest running free grassroots bodyboarding event on the west coast. It’s an awesome event for an incredible cause.
This event has been going 13+ years, and every year just seems to get better and better. The talent, the waves, the incredible memories, and the hard work from all of the volunteers and donations. It started off just as a small gathering to say thank you to our friends in Baja. Also after another financial disruption to the community due to Cartel violence and mass media exploitation. Causing fear in which effected tourism and small buisness. Then after about our second one, we knew we were on to something that could truly make a difference. So much, that we added another event in the Spring. This event truly brings out the best in all of us. It’s so incredible to watch everyone gather and smile and have such a memorable time. The biggest part that keeps these events going is not only our commitment, but the help of the donations, sponsors and volunteers that help these event happen, so please help show your support by purchasing one or more of our MoFrenz T-shirts.
2019’s year end event was an incredible success and a very special one. After 13 years of creating this very special event for such a special cause, it was incredible to have so many show up. All of the volunteers, judges, donations and sponsors made this event run smooth. With so much donated from the sponsors, not one person left empty-handed and the event finalists all went home with brand new boards and a handful of cash to start off their holiday season. We cannot begin to describe the amount of appreciation for all of the hard work we have put in to make these events continue.
In 2020 we took MoFrenz back to Bali in a hope to spread more good vibes and fun times while helping out the community there. In these sometimes hectic times it is really awesome to see people break out of their routine and lend a hand. That’s why the 13 years we have been doing these events has been so special and given us a great foundation to take our program to other communities and locations around the world.
Hopefully we can continue doing more events like this to motivate and promote good vibes and a healthy lifestyle no matter what the sport or challenges in life.
For Donations & Sponsor information, please email: mofrenzmofrenz@yahoo.com
Your purchases and donations keep events like The Baja Boogie Fiesta possible. Check out our MoFrenz/YouYube page for past events. Thanks for your support.