Thanks as always for your interest and support for MoFrenz. Our latest program is called “Loving Hands”. While the island of Bali is bouncing back at mind blowing speed from the pandemic. There are still people in need of help. And a good amount of these people are children. Displaced, orphaned or abandoned due to a multitude of reasons. From not only Bali, but also neighboring islands. Fortunately there are orphanages here in Bali to try and help these children. They range from infants to 20 years of age. So the variety of needs and help has a wide range. Recently we have been able to visit and help a couple of the many orphanages here in Bali. Clothes, food, diapers, toys, hygiene products, etc; And as always these donations and contributions come from the kindness of volunteers and people like yourself. So we are shifting our energies to helping these children and youth to give them a better opportunity and also let them know that they aren’t alone. That they do have people who have not forgotten about them and care about them. This is why we call it “Loving Hands”. Because sometimes just the act of a hug and tangibly showing someone you care can last a lifetime. So we will be updating this website to take contributions to help us, help these orphanages. It will be in the same format as our “Buy a Bag for Bali” program, but this time it will be in the form of food and supplies to these children and orphanages. So that you can simply click on the link to give your donation. Thanks and please bookmark this website and follow us on Instagram (@mofrenz).
Thank you/Terima Kasi for helping us help the community

There are many groups taking a step in helping out many individuals and communities hit very hard by the mandates of the pandemic and the long term financial damage it has caused. Especially living in very poor conditions already. We have been organizing food drives along with Angelmartz, Bali Caring Community, Kay-Mart and other businesses in different parts of the island to provide food for many other residents unable to support themselves during these hard times. Your small donation actually makes a very huge step. Just $10 can provide a bag of food, rice and other necessities to help feed a family. Your help is highly appreciated. Simply make a donation via the MoFrenz Shop page and hit the “Buy a Bag for Bali” link to make your donation and receive an instant receipt. 100% of your donation will go to help these incredible people. Thankfully it seems we are past the worst of the ”pandemic” times, and Bali is now recovering from these hardships. But in this ever changing world, climate and economy. We can can never grow complacent. So please do your best to help support like minded causes, and also contact us (via Instagram @mofrenz) if you know a community or cause you think we could help promote and/or be apart of. The people of Bali have always been so warm and welcoming to all of their visitors, so this is a very special time for us to return the love. Thanks again.
…simply add the amount of bags you would like to donate to your cart. As for shipping address, just put down any address, since the products will be purchased and distributed here in Bali. No PayPal account is necessary. You will also be sent an invoice/ receipt for your own records. Then sit back and feel good for helping out families that truly appreciate your support in these difficult times. Once again feel free to let us know any other groups, communities or organizations that we could promote and help their cause or situation as well.
Health is probably the most important aspect of your life. along with love. Nicole has a huge heart and caring soul and is a big supporter of MoFrenz and our “buy a bag for bali” charity. So if you would like to learn more about Yoga and self healing. Please visit on (Instargam): nicole_turner_yoga &